- PhD in Peace and Development Studies, University of Limerick, Ireland
- Doctorate of Education with specialization in Pedagogical Mediation, Universidad De La Salle, Costa Rica
- Master of Arts in Peace and Development Studies, University of Limerick, Ireland
- Bachelor of Arts in Politics, University of Sussex, United Kingdom
- January 2019: American University of Afghanistan; Professor of Peace and Conflict Studies, since January 2023, Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs.
- February 2015 - February 2016: American University Duhok Kurdistan, Iraq; Chair of the Academic Council; Professor and Interim Chair, Department of Politics and Public Policy; Director, Center for Peace and Human Security.
- September 2014 - January 2015: Pontificia Javeriana Universidad Cali, Colombia; Co-ordinator, MA Program in International Law and Culture of Peace
- August 2005 - March 2014: University for Peace, Costa Rica; since February 2014; Full Professor, Peace and Conflict Studies
- January 2005- August 2005: Centre for International Conflict Resolution, Columbia University, USA, Fellow to the Iraq Program
- June 2004-June 2005: Visiting Professor of Peace and Conflict Studies, Colgate University, USA
- October 2003 – June 2004:Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Sabanci University, Turkey; Lecturer, MA Program in Conflict Analysis and Resolution
- September 2002- September 2003: Marie Curie pre-Doctoral Fellow, Department of Anthropology, University of Deusto, Spain
- September 2002 – September 2003: Part-time Lecturer in Peace Studies, MA course in Peace and Development Studies, University of Limerick, Republic of Ireland
- May 2002: Visiting Faculty, MA Program in Peace and Conflict Studies, European Peace University (EPU), Stadtschlaining, Austria
- January 2001 – September 2003: Research Associate, Centre for Behavioural Research, American University of Beirut, Lebanon
- January 2017 - December 2018 : Manager, Quality Assessment and Learning Centre, Institut Bioforce, France
- July 2001 – November 2001: Head of Field Office/Democratization Officer, Field Office Drvar, OSCE Mission to Bosnia-Herzegovina
- November 2000: International Polling Supervisor, Zvornik Field Office, OSCE Mission to Bosnia-Herzegovina
- October 2000: Polling Centre Manager, Municipal Elections, Skenderaj/Srbica Field Office, OSCE Mission to Kosovo
- September 2006: International Development Research Centre writing grant, Canadian Government
- October 2003 – June 2004: Sabanci University post-Doctoral Research Fellowship
- September 2002 – September 2003: Marie-Curie Pre-Doctoral Fellowship
- July 2001 – September 2003: Plassey Campus Centre Scholarship
- October 2001 – October 2004: Government of Ireland Scholarship
- January 2001: UL Department of Government and Society Research Grant
- June 2000: University of Limerick President’s List of Exceptional Students
- ePIC Annual Conference, Making Informal Recognition Visible, Paris, France, 24th-26th October 2018, Keynote: 'HPass, from Standards to Open Recognition: a paradigm shift for Humanitarian Sector'
- Capacity for Humanity. Humentum and MS TCDC Tanzania, February 7th-8th 2018, 'The Humanitarian Passport: setting the agenda for the assessment of competencies in humanitarian action.'
- Safety of Journalists Covering Conflict and Sensitive Issues. Akhersus University College, Oslo, Norway, November 2nd – 3rd 2017, Keynote: ‘Reporting from the drama triangle: becoming change(d) agents?’
- ePIC Annual Conference, Alternative Credentials, Credentialing Alternatives, Bologna, Italy, 26th-27th October 2017, 'Hpass Panel: Learning and Assessment Standards for the Humanitarian Sector'.
- Les Acteurs de l’aide internationale: vers quels savoirs, engagements et competences?, Université Bordeaux Montaigne & Université Paris 1, Bordeaux, France, September 11th – 12th 2017, ‘Professionalization of the humanitarian sector, hybridity and agency between global North and South: the co-creation of quality standards for learning and assessment providers in humanitarian action.’
- Peace Studies Conference, Questioning Peace Formation and Peace Infrastructure, University of New England, Parramatta, Australia, August 26th -28th 2015, Keynote: ‘Fallujah: Reflections on Peace Formation and Peace Infrastructures from a Decolonial Perspective'.
- International Conference on Management, Education and Social Sciences Research, Iqra University, Karachi, Pakistan, April 4th -5th 2015, Keynote: ‘The Case for Critical Peace Education.’
- Tercera Cumbre Nacional por la Paz, Universidad Libre Cali, Colombia, November 24th-25th 2014, Keynote: ‘Familia, Resiliencia y Paz desde las Fumigaciones del Plan Colombia.’
- II Encuentro Andino sobre la Cultura de Paz, ‘El Rol de la Educacion para Todos’, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Cali, Colombia, October 16th-17th 2014, Keynote: ‘Pedagogia para la Paz, no violencia e interculturalidad.’
- V Congreso Fronterizo de Derechos Humanos y Paz, ‘Postconflicto armado y memoria’, Universidad de Pamplona y Universidad Libre, seccional Cúcuta, Comite Permanente para la Defensa de los Derechos Humanos, Colombia, September 26th-27th 2014, Keynote: ‘Descolonizar la Paz despues de La Havana.’
- VII Foro Justicia y Perdon, Universidad Minuto de Dios, Sociedad Biblica Colombiana, Colombia, September 19th 2014, Keynote: ‘Familia y Construccion de Paz.’
- Peacebuilding and Education in Iraq: an interdisciplinary symposium, University of Duhok and New York University, Centre for Global Affairs, Duhok, 13th -15th May 2014, ‘Peace Education and Subaltern Networks of Peace Formation.’
- Kigali International Forum on Genocide, AEGIS Trust, Kigali, Rwanda, 4th -6th April 2014, ‘Peace Education after Genocide.’
- Septimo Congreso Latinoamericano de Ciencia Politica; Association Latinoamericana de Ciencia Politica, Universidad de los Andes, Bogota, Colombia, 26th -27th September 2013, ‘Mas allà de la Paz post-Liberal en America Latina.’
- Sixth Global Alliance for Ministries and Infrastructures for Peace Summit; ‘Nesting Peace: Creating Infrastructures to Sustain Diversity’, Geneva, Switzerland, 16th -20st September 2013, Keynote: 'Decolonizing Peace and I4P’
- Second Annual Conference for the International Association for Peace and Conflict Studies and the ECPR standing group on Critical Peace and Conflict Studies, University of Manchester, UK, Humanitarian and Conflict Response Institute, UK, 11th -13th September 2013,‘Reclaiming power with from below: nascent Subaltern Peacebuilding in Canada, Colombia and Iraq’ (with Rick Wallace).
- European Science Foundation Research Conference, ‘In Search for Peace: dialogues between theories and practise’, Linköking University, Sweden, 20th -24th October 2012, Keynote: ‘Decolonizing Peace’.
- International Peace Studies Research Association Conference, University of Sydney, Australia, 6th- 10th July 2010, ‘From Doing to Being: capacity co-operation in the Great Lakes Region of Africa’.
- 6th Biennal Conference of the Intercultural Academy for Intercultural Research, University of Hawaii, USA, 15th-19th August 2009, ‘Fostering transformative Intercultural Dialogue through South-south co-operation’.
- Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies, University of Hawaii, USA: Annual Meeting, San Jose, September 20th-23rd August 2009, ‘Cybernetics and Peace’.
- Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies, University for Peace, Costa Rica: Annual Meeting, San Jose, September 6th to 9th 2006, ‘Back to the Think Tank: humiliation awareness as a form of counter-terrorism’.
- Communicating War: Strategies, Implications and Ethics, The University of Surrey, UK, May 13th 2005, “Fixers and information channelling in the Iraq War”.
- Annual Conference of the Regional Peace Studies Consortium, Syracuse University, NY, November 13th 2004, “Research in live conflict areas: notes from Iraq”.
- Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies, Columbia University, NY: Annual Meeting, Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, Paris, September 16th-18th 2004, ‘Humiliation and the formation of political violence in post-Saddam Iraq’.
- 2004 International Research and Action Conference: Innovations in Understanding Violence Against Women: Wellesley Centers for Women, April 25th-28th, ‘The forgotten few: violence against women in ‘New Iraq’’.
- Annual Meeting of the International Association of Peacekeeping Training Centres: Baden-Würtenberg Police Academy, Wertheim Branch, October 19th-23rd 2003, ‘Loosing Hearts and Minds: Human trafficking and Peacekeeping Operations
- Centre for Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies, Columbia University, NY: Annual Meeting, Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, Paris, September 12th-13th 2003, ‘The Dialectics of Humiliation in Post-Saddam Iraq: formation and polarization of occupied- occupier axis’.
- Development Studies’ Association Conference: Natural Resources Institute of Greenwich, UK, November 9th 2002, ‘Responses and challenges to human trafficking’.
- Lebanese Foundation for Permanent Civil Peace: Observatoire de la Paix Civile au Liban 2002, Ayia Napa, Cyprus, August 25th-28th 2002, ‘Memory and Peace: a comparative approach’.
- University of Sussex International Relations and Politics Department: Media Representations of Islamic Societies and War, University of Sussex, UK, 1st-2nd July 2002, ‘Manar TV’s narrative in a 9-11 context: a vector of Hezbollah’s glasnost?’.
- Centre for the Study of Global Ethics: Special Workshop on New Slavery, Global Capitalism and Fair Trade, University of Birmingham, UK, 23-25 May 2002, ‘International Response to Women and Children Trafficking in the Balkans’.
- British International Studies Association Conference: University of Bradford, UK, 18-21 December 2000 ‘Questioning the Ethics of Migration in the Balkans: a comparative analysis of the movements in and out of Kosovo/a and Bosnia-Herzegovina’.
- Centre for Women Studies, QUB: Gender 2000: The Cutting Edge of Contemporary Critical Theory and Practice, Queens University, Belfast, UK, 21st-23rd September 2000; ‘Lebanon: A Reassessment of Women and Conflict’.
- Institute of Commonwealth Studies, University of London: Cultures of Political Transition: Memory, Identity and Voice, London, 14th-16th September 2000; ‘A Woman’s Place: Women and Women’s Groups in Social Reconstruction in Bosnia-Herzegovina’.
- Political Studies Association of Ireland: Post-Graduate Conference, Trinity College, Dublin, 16th June 2000; ‘Social Restructuring in a Post-Conflict Situation: The Case of Bosnia-Herzegovina’.
- Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, Switzerland, September-December 2017
- Bandaranaike Centre for International Studies, Sri Lanka, February 2007
- University of Winnipeg, Capacity-Building, Canada, June 2006
- USAID-Iraq, Democracy and Governance Analyst, October-December 2005
- International Association of Peacekeeping Training Centres, December 2003
- Baden-Würtenberg Police Academy, Germany, October 2003
- United-Nations High Commission for Refugees, Spain Division, August 2002